Witness tampering charges against Republican Pinocci dropped

The April 11 Montana Free Press’ Capitolized newsletter reported that current Republican PSC Commissioner and hopeful Libertarian Lt. Governor candidate Randy Pinocci got off felony witness tampering charges with essentially no penalty.

“On Tuesday, Pinocci entered into a deferred prosecution agreement, in which he conceded that there was probably cause to charge him with witness tampering, in exchange for the state dismissing the charges.

Pinocci pleaded no contest to disorderly conduct — a charge that carries a $100 fine — and the state dropped its prosecution of two felony counts of witness tampering, according to court records.”

Now that is some serious punishment that should serve as a powerful deterrent against future behavior in the same vein, for Randy as well as the general public. Do not engage in witness tampering or you may have to pay a $100 fine. One hundred whole U.S. dollars. Particularly if you are a PSC commissioner and candidate for Lt. Governor.

Aside: Weren’t those charges originally County charges, not State?

The issue of Capitolized is not yet online but when it is should be linked at the MFP website.

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