Slippery Sheehy: Veterans group slams Tim’s ever changing story about bullet wound


National veterans’ organization VoteVets released a statement on X formerly Twitter denouncing Tim Sheehy’s possible misrepresentation of his service in pursuit of political office as well as a lie he claims he told a Federal officer.

“The Washington Post report detailing Tim Sheehy’s inconsistencies in detailing his military service raises serious questions and concerns. As a Veteran-led organization, we are deeply troubled that a fellow Veteran may have misrepresented aspects of their service while trying to win a political campaign, and lied to law enforcement.”

To recap:

  • On the campaign trail Sheehy has been representing a bullet in his arm as a result of his service in Afghanistan.
  • The Washington Post uncovered records indicating the bullet may actually have got lodged there as a result of a 2015 accident in Glacier Park which was investigated with Mr. Sheehy ultimately cited. Sheehy left active military service in 2014.
  • When confronted with that evidence Sheehy claimed he lied to the investigating Federal officer, that the bullet was indeed really from Afghanistan, but he didn’t want to say so at the time in order to hide a possible 2012 military incident from his superiors. Superiors who apparently did not notice a fresh bullet wound in his arm, a wound that might have impaired Mr. Sheehy’s readiness and endangered the safety of his fellow SEALs.
  • Sheehy claims he lied to the Federal officer. If what he says is true he also lied by omission to his military superiors and engaged in a coverup. If the bullet did really get there from the Glacier Park incident he has been lying to voters. Lying either way.

Pinocchio would be grinning at his fellow.

Original Tweet from VoteVets

Daily Montanan coverage of the story, Sheehy says he lied about accidental discharge

Illustration credit: Author Carlo Collodi, Illustrator Charles Copeland, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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