Slippery Sheehy at it again: More military career embellishment

Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy has apparently been running around Montana telling voters he was “discharged” by the military due to wounds received in combat. But according to the Daily Beast he relates a totally different story in his book, where he claims he suffered an injury during submarine training that would have confined him to a desk job for a year or more as he recovered, which coupled with his disillusionment with the military, finally drove his decision to quit the SEALs.

“Given the option of a ‘staff tour’ – meaning desk jobs, possibly at the Pentagon, White House or U.S. Naval War College – Sheehy decided he was ‘no longer interested in following that path if I could not know I could return to operational status. If I couldn’t be out in the field, leading from the front, then it was time to consider doing something else. I had put in my time: I was free to go if I wanted.’

Sheehy added that he and his wife, Carmen, a U.S. Marine, were disillusioned with the American campaign in Afghanistan and had ‘kind of grown frustrated with the military.’

‘What we hated was the military’s constriction of your life and your path,’ Sheehy wrote. ‘The fact that the trajectory of your career was not determined by your merit, but rather by a giant 1950s-era corporate promotion system… by all sorts of other extraneous shit – all the garrison crap and ass kissing.'”

Quite some difference there – discharged by the military for his wounds, vs. quit of his own volition because he felt the trajectory of his career was not determined by his own merits. Just like any normal Joe quitting any normal job at any normal big company when he felt his special talents weren’t being appreciated.

Slippery Sheehy – Can’t believe a word he says.

Read it at the Daily Beast

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